Week 9 Lab for Web Development
The "<table>" tag is used to open a table in an HTML page and begin building the Table.
The "<tr>" tag signifies the start of the row of the table. The row runs Horizontal from left to right and ends with a "</tr>" closing tag. The row can span for as long as needed and hold as many cells as needed from left to right.
The "<th>" tag is the individual column table header tag that begins the descripting cells which are usually the top cells in a conventional table. This allows the columns to all show descriptors for each column, down through all the rows. This tag ends with a closing tag "</th>".
The "<td>" tag stands for table data but really can be described better as the table column tag. This tag signifies the cells vertically and it typically where the cell data goes. That means between these open and close tags is where the cell data goes.
The "<caption>" tag si for defining necessary captions you may need for the Table. The caption table can be used to define a table like a table head tag "<thead>" but usually sits outside the table in many examples. Usually right above the table. The caption tag must be closed as well with the "</caption>" tag.
The ":first-of-type" pseudo-class is an element that is the first sibling of other children elements of its parent element. ":nth-of-type" can and usually does mean the same thing when it is described with a (1) one riht after.
the ":first-child" is another pseudo-class element like the ":first-of-type" but it allows you to use the ":first-of-type" pseudo-class to control a different tag then and apply CSS to othe html tags like "<p>" or an "<h1>" tag instead.
The ":last-of-type" pseudo-class works just like the ":first-of-type" but for the last child table instead of the first. Both of these Pseudo-classes can be used to apply CSS to their connected tables. One main difference is that the ":last-of-type" pseudo-class cannot be assigned to other tags the same way a a ":first-of-type" can be.
The ":last-child" is very similiar to the ":last-of-type" but is used to pick a last child element of a particular type.
The ":nth-of-type" selector works very much like the previous 4 selectors but can be changed in the selector itself to mean first or last child of the table. This selector is another alternative of the other 4 selectors hence, ":nth-last-of-type" to replace the ":last-of-type".